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The KKFS Board of Directors is the decision making body on all matters relating to the school.

The KKFS Board of Directors is the decision making body on all matters relating to the school.


The Board has established the Administration Committee and the Education Committee to handle the issues relating to the operation of the school. The Administration Committee consists of four standing members appointed by the Board, including its chairperson. The Education Committee consists of three standing members appointed by the Board, including its chairperson.


The governing structure at KKFS consists of an Owner/Chairman of the Board, four additional members of the Advisory Board and the school administration: Principal, CFO and Assistant Principal. The day-to-day operation of the school is generally left to the school administration. As indicated, there is an Advisory Board that three of the four members have been a part of since the inception of the school, which meets twice a year. Their role is an advisor one to the Chairperson; however, the decisions at Board level are consensus based.


The Chairman of the Board, or his designated, serves as the committee chairperson. In addition, the Board may appoint temporary members of the committee from time to time for a term to be designated by the Board. The temporary members advise and assist the committees, but do not participate in any decision making process. Although the following guideline generally differentiates the issues to be handled by the Administration Committee or Education Committee, the ultimate authority to decide which committee, if any, shall handle any given issue rests with the Board. While the Board delegates the day to day handling of issues to such committees, the Board retains the sole authority to decide and act upon all matters relating to the school.