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Mission statement

KKFS Mission and School-Wide Learning Expectations

We have mission to develop students who are mindful, caring and inquiring.
And we want our students to live the school motto : Explore, Reflect, and Apply.



  • Critical Thinking Students explore, reflect and apply their knowledge as independent and collaborative problem solvers.
  • Communication Students communicate their thoughts and feelings in English with clarity and concision, both orally and in writing, independently and collaboratively.
  • Mindfulness Students are critically aware of themselves and others and choose their attitude for the benefit of themselves and the global community.
  • Creativity Students explore, reflect and apply their knowledge as independent and collaborative problem solvers.
  • Global Perspective Students embrace the value of global diversity through the appreciation of multiple perspectives.
  • Technology Students enhance their learning through the use of technology, both independently and collaboratively.

School Motto

  • Explore themselves and their world intellectually and emotionally
  • Reflect critically on what they are learning
  • Apply their knowledge, talents and skills responsibly and creatively


Wise application of knowledge requires good character to do it Good character results from good attitudes.
Our students will do their best as we help them to choose these attitudes