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Admission Requirements

Step1 : Application Form and Required Documents

Complete the Application form with the following documents.


Application form


2 Color Photos (size 3*4cm)


Copies of Student's and both Parents' Passports


Family Registry & Birth Certificate (가족관계증명서 & 출생증명서)


Proof of your Eligibility in one of the categories below

  • 3 Years Overseas
    • Certificate of Entry and Departure (출입국사실증명)
  • Foreign Parent(s)
    • Copy of valid Residence Card in Korea or 외국국적동포국내거소신고증
    • Non-Korean Citizen Holding Statement
    • Korean Family Registry, if applicable (가족관계증명서)
  • Transfer from other Accredited International School(s)
    • Enrollment certificate from previous school containing applicant’s eligibility for admission to International School.
    • Documents that prove the above eligibility is still valid
  • 6 semesters
    • Official Report Cards for 6 semesters from schools abroad.

Confidential Recommendation Letters to be filled out by current teachers and to be sent directly to Admissions Office

  • Elementary School (Grades 2-5)Download
    • One Recommendation Letter from current Homeroom teacher
  • Middle School (Grade 6)Download
    • One Recommendation Letter from current English teacher
  • Middle School (Grades 7-8) / High School (Grades 9-12)DownloadDownload
    • Two Recommendation Letters – From current English and Math teachers.

Official transcripts – Current and last 3 years are required. All reports must be official and translated into English with notarization.


Self Essay (K-G12)


Standardized Test results – if available


Completed medical record form (including immunization form)


Please be informed that submitted documents will not be returned under any circumstances


Application form and required documents can be submitted in the following ways

  • Mail (Courier services is strongly suggested to avoid loss of documents)
    Korea Kent Foreign School Admissions Office 13, Jayang-ro 35gil, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea 04993
  • Email
    kkfs@kkfs.orgMail to KKFS

Step2 : Application & Testing Fee payment


Once the documents are submitted, please wire the Non-Refundable admission processing fee of KRW 200,000. Be sure to check that sender' s name is the applicant' s name as shown on passport.


Please click the link provided below for more information.



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Step3 ~ 5

Step3: Admissions Test and Interview

Admissions Test and Interview

Step4: Admission Decision

The entire evaluation process will take 5-10 business days after test/interview

Step5: Submit Remaining Documents & make Tuition Payments

Submit Remaining Documents & make Tuition Payments